Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Why is it that politicians can't KISS?

Keep it simple, stupid!

Until someone offers to pay me for doing it...I don't plan to try and read through the entire stimulus bill. I am sure there is some really important information in there, but why is it that these people we elected to represent us can't just make a document that every Tom, Teresa, Dick, Darlene, Harry and Harriet can understand? Did we really need 1700+ pages for this thing?

Not to mention, not even President Articulate-one can adequately explain some of the "non-stimulus" stuff in the bill. He sort of throws a lot of words at us in a very passionate and well meaning way, and we are supposed to be appeased by that. Can he really keep hope alive?

I agree with my wife, use the money to pay-off or pay down people's mortgages...using some criterion of course. I don't think we should pardon the stupid, just as we should not reward the crooked. But there are people (like myself) who really are in bad situations by circumstance and no fault of their own. I mean, I only wanted to stay alive after being diagnosed with cancer, is that so wrong? Who knew it would suck all of our resources...even with two insurances?

Then that takes us to health care...and an entire alternate debate.


  1. I don't think there's much hope as things (like the stock market, housing, etc) keep spiraling downward even amid news of the coming "stimulus". If people had hope, I think things would be improving in at least small increments...

    And, I agree with Ren. Help people pay down mortgages. Greg and I bought 1/2 the house we could "afford" and are 5 years away from being debt free. I'd like to be helped because I made GOOD decisions rather than FEEL GOOD decisions that so many made. Although I know there are many out there in predicaments by no fault of their own. This package just covers too much stupidity IMO!

    K - off my soapbox now. I'll be waiting for the health care debate. I'm sure we're on the same page there, too!

  2. Here's The O'Plan: The Fed picks up a % of a loan for a struggling homeowner. That way the (probably irresponsible) mortgage company can stay solvent (needed to keep jobs, not to reward the probably irresponsible mortgage company). Though this plan is not "fair" to people who made safer decisions, $300-500 a month to keep the status-quo is a lot better for all of us than the chaos that comes with millions of bankruptcies and foreclosures. The homeowners situation is reviewed every two years (I think that's enough to keep the paperwork costs from overwhelming the program) and the homeowner has the total cost of the govt expenditures, at maybe 3%, added to the back of the loan. If a homeowner was on the program for 5 years, it would take maybe 18-24 months to pay Uncle Sam back. For efficiency payments are still made to the mortgage company who lumps it all together and makes quarterly payments to the Fed. Being able to hold that money for a quarter should cover operating expenses. When they gripe, remind them they are still in business.
