Friday, February 6, 2009

So I've been given the opportunity to explore other employment options...

...Which basically means I was laid off. the one thing I counted on when I began working for the company is the stability. I worked at a telecom/Internet company back in the late 90's and early 2000's and did the job/company/merger shuffle during the industry hey day. Then I had misfortune to end up at WorldCom. I was going down with the ship until...Texas instruments threw me a life preserver. I was happy, since it seemed like most people die or retire from there. I was happy to do my thing there and slowly creep up the ladder (note the reference to death and retirement...advancement can be slow). But then...the recession came. And after six years, three kids, one successful fight with cancer and a couple of close calls with foreclosure...I am now looking for a new gig.

But hey! This could be the greatest thing that ever happened to me, right?

So, while I have some extra time on my hands...I figured i would start to blog.

My focus will be on subjects concerning how we communicate with each other...and how we shouldn't. I may occasionally drift into politics, religion and other controversial topics.

I can also get a little philosophical on occasion. I try not to preach...but I can go on my rants.

So, for now...that is my first post. We'll see how popular this gets.

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