Monday, May 18, 2009

Spell check is NOT your friend...

If you use e-mail to communicate with the world, you have probably had the unfortunate instance of hitting the "send" button before realizing that you omitted a crucial word or letter. I've done this a few times myself, most notably realizing too late that I left out the "f" in the word "shift" or greeting someone with "hello" and forgetting to hit the "o" key. In your heart and mind, you truly believe you hit that important key, but for some reason the finger that you depended on to make that important strike did not perform and the word is left to ruin the meaning and intent of your note.

Technology is a great thing, but when we get too dependent on it, we neglect to do the things that we should do in order to ensure meaning. So we click on the "spell check" button thinking that this alone will be the last defence to protect us from making a fool of our selves through the printed word. Unfortunately, spell check only checks for the correct spelling of a word, not your intent.

So, as a public service, I implore you to proof read your note before hitting the send button and after you run spell check. It could mean the difference between discussing bathroom activities or the location of a very hot place. :-)

1 comment:

  1. One of my former jobs was as a Public Health Consultant for the American Heart Association's Texas Affiliate. When my new boss sent out my position announcement to all of my soon-to-be colleagues and volunteers, she left out the "l" in Public.
