Friday, April 10, 2009

The only thing we have to fear...

Sorry for the long hiatus. I've been busy trying to find gainful employment while realizing that I may not be cut out to be a househusband after all. I love my kids...really I do, but I really need to get away and do some corporate know...involve myself in a change management project that does not involve Webkins...but enough about me!

I am a recovering news junkie. I mean to the point that I had every cable news channel speed dialed on my remote. I have an entire section of my "Favorites" on IE dedicated to just news. But over the last several weeks...I've not used them. It is mainly because the depressing. It is downright suicidal inducing. Now, don't get me wrong or jump to any conclusions...because I am not in that kind of frame of mind. It is just not conducive to maintaining my positive outlook and attitude to watch the news anymore. They are preaching fear.

I wonder if the media even gets that their fear-mongering is perpetuating the problems in the economy. I'm no Warren Buffet, but if you tune in and hear "The economy is tanking! Save what you can! We all are going to lose are 401Ks!", wouldn't you start to cut back on your spending? Wouldn't you rethink brand name and generic? We've created a self-perpetuating prophesy and we can't get out of the circle.

I don't operate from a place of fear. Yes, I occasionally fall into it "Oh honey, we just don't have the money to go to McDonald's." But then I catch myself and go have a double quarter-pounder with cheese and a medium coke and get two Happy Meals and watch my son go in an endless loop on the indoor play area. Why? Because I think spending my hard earned severance package money from when I got laid off is one of the most patriotic things I can do. I am going to help this economy get back on its feet by continuing to buy the things we need and some of the things we want. Because in the is not Obama or the congress or those (expletive deleted) guys on Wall St. that will pull us out of this mess. It is you, me and every other average Joe and Jane that has the guts to go to Walmart and ring up a $200 grocery bill. Let those guys in DC do what they are going to do. WE have to take control of our destiny.

Do not live in fear. Use CASH instead of credit and be sensible and we will all be OK. We're in this together...and together, we will survive it.

Thanks for reading!